Updating your details at the GIC

If your contact details or any other information changes, please let us know so we can update our records.

If you change your name officially, please provide us with copies of the documentation so that we can update your records (we do not require original documents).

Change of details form (updated January 2021)

Please note that we only accept PDF documents if sending in via email (no photographs). Photocopies should be sent in via the postal service or handed in to our reception.

Send to:

Email (must be in PDF format): gic@nhs.net

Post to:

Gender Identity Clinic,
Lief House
3 Sumpter Close
Finchley Road

Share information with a named individual

To give your consent to share your information with a named individual, use the form below:

Patient consent to share information with a named individual - updated August 2020